Due to difficulty in calculating shipping costs and fast-changing availability and prices of our items, we do not currently support full order processing online. We ask you to fill out the following form with the items you desire and contact information; we will contact you via phone as soon as possible with stock status, current prices and shipping charges, as well as answer any questions you may have concerning your order, vehicle, or installation. We accept VISA and MasterCard, and most orders can go COD (cash only). All orders will require a signature at delivery. No checks, sorry. All prices and availability subject to change without notice.

Please list the items you would like to order. Remember, we also have many used parts or new parts which may not be listed in the catalog; if you do not see what you are looking for, ask! Since this is not a secure form, do not include your credit card number; we will ask for billing information when we call you.

You may also E-mail your order to Orders@JimDyerChevyClassics.com - Be sure to include all the information requested below.





Please include a good time for us to call



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